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(318) 383-4899
Elite Training

Customers & Partners


Thousands of Success Stories

Elite Training of Louisiana provides world-class training and performance solutions. We are proud to work with a diverse range of customers and industries. From Fortune 500 companies to small businesses, our tailored training programs and consulting services help organizations improve performance and drive growth. Our expertise extends across diverse industries; including banking, construction, food production, gaming, and manufacturing, to name a few. Explore our page to learn more about the customers and industries we serve and how we help them achieve their training and performance goals. Elite Training of Louisiana is here to help you succeed!

With a consistent customer retention rate of over 90% each year, Elite Training of Louisiana is a trusted partner for organizations seeking effective and sustainable training solutions.

Logo for AFCO Industries
Logo for Alexandria Housing Authority
Logo for Amcor Flexibles
Logo for Andritz
Logo for AOSS Medical Supply, LLC
Logo for Barriere
Logo for Bienville Lumber Company, LLC
Logo for Boys/Girls Club
Logo for Copeland
Logo for Copeland Electric
Logo for Domtar
Logo for Drax Biomass
Logo for Eclectic Products
Logo for Electrical Training Alliance
Logo for Emerson
Logo for Fibrebond
Logo for Foster Farms
Logo for Frymaster
Logo for Gainey's Concrete
Logo for Gilchrist Construction Company
Logo for Graphic Packaging International, Inc.
Logo for Haynes International
Logo for Hunt Forest Products
Logo for Hydro
Logo for Ingersoll Rand
Logo for International Paper
Logo for Jeld-Wen
Logo for Kronospan
Logo for Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.
Logo for Lasalle Lumber Company L.L.C.
Logo for Mid South Extrusion
Logo for Neighbors
Logo for Pallet One
Logo for Plymouth Tube Co.
Logo for Poly Processing
Logo for Resolute Forest Products
Logo for Roseburg Forest Products
Logo for Standard Enterprises
Logo for SunQuest Properties
Logo for Syrah Resources
Logo for Teijin Automotive
Logo for Tri State Industries
Logo for WestRock Company
Logo for Weyerhaeuser Company
Logo for Willamette Valley

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Working together to bring you more.

OSHA Authorized Outreach Trainer badge

Elite Training of Louisiana partners with University of Texas Arlington, an OSHA Authorized Outreach training provider in General Industry and Construction. Provides workers with basic and more advanced training about common safety and health hazards on the job.

Louisiana Workforce Commission logo

Elite Training of Louisiana employs experienced grant managers who assist our customer base in obtaining applicable state training funds through Incumbent Worker Training grants to help offset the cost of training when requested and applicable.
See how we can help through Grant Services

Strategic Maintenance Logo

We have partnered with Jay Shellogg of Strategic Maintenance Reliability to connect our clients with quality reliability maintenance training. Jay Shellogg offers on-site and scheduled courses open to the public. For more information, click here.

Community Colleges

We have formed partnerships with Central Louisiana Technical Community College, Louisiana Delta Community College, and Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College in order to offer our clients more training opportunities.

For more information on local Workforce Development programs:

Central Louisiana Technical Community College
Louisiana Delta Community College
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College

Kind words from our Customers

"He was thorough and made sure we interacted, was entertained all while making sure we understood."

Aijalon Fields, Foster Farms, 6/7/2024

"Your interactions and breaks were perfectly timed. I did not lose interest at any time. Well done!"

Angela Galde, Neighbors, 4/20/2024

"If this situation happens then I will definitely do what is needed to be done to try ans save a life or my own life either at home or on the job."

Angela Harrison, Lamb Weston, 7/10/2024

"I really learned a lot today from my training. We all had a good time learning."

Anquanisha Williams, Foster Poultry Farms, 6/7/2024

"Great job on the presentations! This is just what our leaders needed! "

Arnie Smith, Weyerhaeuser, 9/6/2024

"I will apply this information to my daily work task. I will set a goal to be needed less. The less I am needed, the more I can get done in my own job."

Asia Clark, Standard Enterprises, 12/11/2024

"Great job! I learned a lot. Thank you!"

Brad Jones, Weyerhaeuser Timberlands, 6/18/2024

"Ricky is the best, a part of our family here. "

Brian Thomas, Hunt Forest Products, 9/5/2024

"I learned how to be a better effective leader. I also learned that not everyone is ok with being called out to be recognized. Always make sure it's ok before doing it."

Bridgette Davis, Hydro Extrusion, 6/10/2024

"The trainer was very thorough & did an awesome job."

Carolyn Hunt, Foster Farms, 6/28/2024

"The training was very useful and understanding. I will use all the facts that I have learned today and really appreciate it Mr. SeDerek Baker."

Charkeycceya Williams, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Ricky always does a great job making the material easy to handle."

Charles Kokemor, Hunt Forest Products, 9/3/2024

"You did great Ricky. Great teaching techniques."

Chet Atkins, Hunt Forest Products, 7/23/2024

"Ricky really gets how to make it understandable and in todays time that is very important to training and learning. Was a blessed week."

Chris Crews, PalletOne Inc., 11/7/24

"LaWanda is a great speaker and teacher "

Chuck Dawson, Afco Industries, 10/16/2024

"Trainer did an amazing job"

CJ Jordan, Foster Farms, 7/26/2024

"Mrs. Marshall was great and very detailed. She provided more than enough verbal and paper instruction about learning how people can find common ground through respect and proper communication."

Clifton English, Red River Army Depot, 1/30/2025

"I appreciate the time he took to show us the wider point of views on how everybody listens and learns differently than each other."

Cody Evans, Amcor, 1/16/2025

"Employees thoroughly enjoyed the instructor and the training received in their OSHA 10 class. "

Cody Lewing, Weyerhaeuser Arcadia, 4/4/2024

"I really enjoyed the presentation and the 4 hours really flew by."

Cole Yates, Weyerhaeuser, 9/6/2024

"SeDerek Baker taught us a few things we were unaware of and maintained our attention so we received the information better."

Cora McHenry, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Keep doing what you do. People actually learn and don't fall asleep"

Crisleidy Pichardo, Foster Farms, 6/21/2024

"Everything was great, loved the interaction."

Danielle Gipson, Frymaster, 8/19/2024

"The trainer did a great job and the training was very interactive. "

David Montgomery, Weyerhaeuser, 9/6/2024

"A1 trainer I cannot lie"

DeVante Payne, Foster Farms, 6/7/2024

"The trainer was amazing. He broke it down and went over it to where everyone could understand it and get it through their heads."

D'Marshea Banks, Foster Farms, 6/21/2024

"Ricky did a fantastic job, made class very easy to sit in."

Don Staples, Foster Farms, 7/8/2024

"The pace & content were very appropriate. Nice infusion of breakouts."

Elijah Finister, Neighbors, 6/12/2024

"Ricky is a fantastic trainer. He is very engaging. He uses stories & anecdotes to really bring the lessons to me."

Elijah Finister, Neighbors, 5/8/2024

"The training was very thorough and interactive, we loved LaWanda!"

Emma Hamilton, Syrah Technologies, 4/23/2024

"Ricky has great energy and keeps the training moving. "

Eric Kirk, Weyerhaeuser, 9/16/2024

"Continue the good work! Content was knowledgeable and insightful."

Eric Wilson, Syrah Technologies, 10/10/2024

"The trainer was the best and extremely professional. "

Etta Robinson, Weyerhaeuser, 8/21/2024

"It was very informative and I was able to get a lot of feedback from leaders that’s been in leading roles longer than me."

Felisha Percy, Hydro Extrusion, 8/6/2024

"I will be a more active listener and empower all team members by engaging with them more often."

Flosscina Marshall, Hydro Extrusions, 6/13/2024

"Trainer was wonderful and was very interactive with everyone."

Frank Singleton, Weyerhaeuser Arcadia, 8/8/2024

"She's done a wonderful job. I learned a lot from this class. "

Freddie Butler, Afco Industries, 9/12/2024

"I learned how perceptions can have different influences; I will learn to be a better listener and have better communication skills"

Freddie Butler, Afco Industries, 9/12/2024

"The training was most informational by SeDerek Baker. He is a great teacher."

Georgette L. Robb, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Trainer was easy to listen to & presented material very well. Good job!"

Gregg Williams, Ingersoll Rand, 2/14/2024

"Great trainer! I always enjoy his sessions."

Harold Harper, Hydro Extrusion, 7/24/2024

"The trainer makes the topics easy to learn and fun. I always leave the sessions with new learning."

Harold Harper, Hydro Extrusion, 6/10/2024

"Thank you! I was having a bad morning and you turned the day around."

Holli Schuler, Weyerhaeuser Timberlands, 6/25/2024

"LaWanda always performs above expectations when she visits our facility. You know by her preparation and presentation that she cares about what and how she teaches."

Ian Orten, Andritz, 7/16/2024

"SeDerek works diligently to coordinate with his customer, providing effective training, leading to customer satisfaction."

Ian Orten, Andritz, 8/13/2024

"LaWanda is quite skilled in helping others understand how the soft skills truly matter in the professional environment."

Ian Orten, Andritz, 7/9/2024

"The trainer was very good. Provide a lot of information."

Ida Walker, Foster Farms, 6/6/2024

"Three muscles when it comes to leadership; A good leader uses all three."

Jacob Seal, Hunt Forest Products, 8/15/2024

"All good information and a great presentation."

Jamie Daughtery, Hunt Forest Products, 8/13/2024

"Very good content and presentation. "

Jamie Daughtry, Hunt Forest Products, 8/13/2024

"Perfect length and level of engagement. "

Janelle Briggs, Neighbors, 10/9/2024

"Great use of stories/personal anecdotes. "

Janelle Briggs, Neighbors, 4/10/2024

"Ricky is an awesome trainer and makes the training easy to understand."

Jared Newton, Hunt Forest Products, 9/6/2024

"This training gave us insight about our different personalities and behavioral habits. We were able to see how to make adjustments in how we operate to have more effective communication and a more efficient leadership team. "

Jeananne Oldham, Neighbors, 5/13/2024

"SWOB is a great team excerise (It may be good to revisit in 3-6 months); No such thing as time management, only self management."

Jeananne Oldham, Neighbors, 7/10/2024

"The training was interesting and thought provoking. "

Jeananne Oldham, Neighbors, 5/6/2024

"My second class with SeDerek. Presents information in a way that keeps your attention and keeps all involved."

Jean Gallion, Alliance Compressors, 2/9/2024

"The training as a whole was entertaining, educational, & interactive."

Jeff Jones, JELD-WEN, 5/8/2024

"The materials were appropriate and conveyed the concepts well. I enjoyed the interactive activities that promoted critical thinking and application."

Jeff Jones, JELD-WEN, 3/13/2024

"I have gone through this training at least 20 times in my career. This was the best it has been. "

Jeff Walker, Weyerhaeuser, 9/16/2024

"Ricky is an amazing teacher and able to connect with all, very insightful and keeps you engaged. "

Jessica Willis, Afco Industries, 8/21/2024

"The training was very helpful. The instructor did a great job & helped me understand the information."

Johnny Deiter, Ingersoll Rand, 2/14/2024

"[After this class, I am] able to provide and show correct information on how to correctly put on a body harness and know the right anchor points."

John Stansbury, Foster Farms, 2/5/25

"Ricky did a great job as always. He always presents information in a clear, easy to understand, and enjoyable manner."

Jonivon Ammons, Hunt Forest Products, 9/12/2024

"It will be used to better lead my team to success and to better understand their perceptions."

Josh Crawford, Hydro Extrusion, 8/6/2024

"Very good class. Everyone is the plant needs to go to this training or something similar."

Josh Lutiker, Hydro Extrusion, 6/13/2024

"Ricky was a wonderful trainer! Everyone had a chance to speak and he was very informative."

Kaitlyn Lenard, Sunquest Properties, 10/18/2024

"I think you did an amazing job. You had interesting & fun activities that the whole group enjoyed."

Kali Hebert, Neighbors, 6/12/2024

"Great trainer and training content!"

Kara Mondello, WestRock Services LLC, 8/6/2024

"Ricky was amazing. Training never got boring and loved all examples"

Katie Mills, Sunquest Properties, 10/18/2024

"Ricky really gets how to make it understandable and in todays time that is very important to training and learning. Was a blessed week."

Kenny Woods, PalletOne Inc., 11/7/24

"[After this class,] I will start being more empathetic when coaching my crew and taking their feelings into consideration. "

Keodre Frazier, Afco Industries, 8/21/2024

"Ricky was awesome. He kept the class pretty entertained and involved. "

Keodre Frazier, Afco Industries, 8/21/2024

"SeDerek Baker came and effectively provided the information the best way possible."

Keyonne Mays, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Trainer was very enthusiastic and made the training a good lesson, enjoyed the training session."

Kurt Mayes, Graphic Packaging, 10/31/2024

"[SeDerek] was a great trainer. I have a fresh memory now about everything."

Kyon Dismuke, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Training was perfect he provided enough information. Made training easy to understand to use in the future."

LaDayja Carroll, Weyerhaeuser Natchitoches, 8/13/2024

"Trainer was very knowledgeable of topic. Explained & gave great examples. Great class!"

Lakesha Willis, Alliance Compressors, 2/2/2024

"Ricky was great! No dull moments - very interactive."

Lance Enkey, Neighbors, 4/10/2024

"Trainer did a great job and made me understand more how important safety is."

Lannis Wade, Graphic Packaging, 10/25/2024

"Very informative and exciting to learn each time."

LaQuiesha Berry, Afco Industries, 10/16/2024

"Very positive energy. Truly informative."

LaQuiesha Berry, Afco Industries, 9/12/2024

"Trainer was a very good trainer, very knowledgeable. "

Latesha Nicholas, Afco Industries, 9/12/2024

"I thought the training was great and on point. "

Logan Ross, Afco Industries, 9/12/2024

"Ricky did an excellent job presenting this course on being an empowered leader. He motivated the team of management, employees to evaluate themselves as a leaders and helped them identify opportunities for growth and improvement."

Mandy Ports, Standard Enterprises, 12/11/2024

"I have had training similar to this one before but Ricky made everything so relatable and the leadership training was definitely appreciated."

Marce Reyes, PalletOne Inc., 11/7/24

"Great reminder to work on the work / home balance. It will not happen on its own."

Mark T. Russell, Andritz, 7/9/2024

"The trainer was very professional and knowledgeable "

Martha Higgs, Lamb Weston, 7/10/2024

"The trainer was awesome! Extremely knowledgeable about everything he spoke on! Very engaging!"

Martin Rucker, Foster Farms, 8/9/2024

"Today I was able to effectively pin down my own characteristics that can help or hinder me on the job; I learned what kind of character I appear to be to others"

Mason Goodrich, Hunt Forest Products, 7/23/2024

"I will use this info to better evaluate and prepare for scenarios of conflict that arise from change. "

Mason Goodrich, Hunt Forest Products, 9/11/2024

"Training has been very good and informational."

Matthew Woodward, Hydro Extrusion, 6/13/2024

"Very relatable and engaging, making the topic interesting and easily applicable."

Meagan Leedy, Westrock, 9/18/2024

"As always, Ms. Marshall was AWESOME!"

Megan Joiner, Alexandria Housing Authority, 2/21/2024

"Thank you for an interactive and educational training."

Megan Leedy, Westrock Services, LLC, 6/11/2024

"I thought the class was great. Very interactive, switched the teams up constantly so everyone had to work with everyone."

Megan R. Soileau, JELD-WEN, 5/8/2024

"I will know what to do and what not to do. Watch my surrounding area to make sure my work environment is safe to work in."

Nateria White, Foster Farms, 5/24/2024

"Mr. Ricky was a very good trainer."

Ophelia Duke, Foster Farms, 6/13/2024

"Continue to come here to train us in any and all fields/processes/classes! I love your training and I learn so much every time I have an opportunity to be in your class!"

Robin Davis, Frymaster, 9/18/2024

"[No recommendations,] As long as we continue to have you come back and see your smiling face and great training!!! "

Robin Davis, Frymaster, 8/19/2024

"Trainer was very energetic and not hard to listen to, capturing and maintain attention."

Ryan Hall, Graphic Packaging, 10/31/2024

"I thought the training was perfect! Ricky's knowledge on this is outstanding. People relate with Ricky. Excellent skills in relaying information."

Scotty Futrell, Weyerhaeuser Arcadia, 10/11/2024

"Great energy and lighthearted, fun, direct, and to the point; Best training class I've been in out of about 20."

Sean Morrison, Afco Industries, 8/21/2024

"He is a great trainer. He knows how to not only explain things verbally, but he also gave a great physical demonstration too."

Sheldon Bottley, Foster Farms, 6/21/2024

"My trainer was very hands on and explained everything clearly."

Stefanie Cheney, Gilchrist Construction, 1/15/2025

"The leader did an excellent job engaging the group, evoking participation, and delivering the overall message."

Tanya Cortez, Neighbors Cookies, 6/12/2024

"LaWanda was awesome. She was very friendly and knowledgeable. She is a true asset to Elite Training."

Tara Cockrum, Red River Army Depot, 1/30/2025

"I loved how Ricky made the training interactive, entertaining, and meaningful. "

Taylor Dykes, Weyerhaeuser, 9/11/2024

"All good marks on my end. Very good job. God bless, sir."

Thomas Hale, Hydro, 4/9/2024

"I have always learned about communication styles from the standpoint of the sender, but today we learned about the standpoint of the receiver."

Thomas Hale, Hydro Extrusion, 9/10/2024

"Ricky has the ability to make the entire classroom session feel like a conversation. Makes time fly by."

Thomas Hale, Hydro Extrusion, 6/11/2024

"The class was very interesting and I appreciate how the class was redirected when they got off subject. He also kept it smiple so everyone could understand."

Tiffany Wilson, Foster Farms, 6/28/2024

"[I learned] How to work as a team, to win together as a team and how much positive feedback makes an impact to the team."

Timothy Giddens, Weyerhaeuser Natchitoches, 10/15/2024

"Ricky was well engaged with the class, plus he had class participated with the games that was part of the training"

Tony Rust, PalletOne Inc., 11/7/24

"Very informative training"

Wendy York, Hydro Extrusion, 6/13/2024

"SeDerek did well presenting the material I enjoyed the class. "

Wendy York, Hydro Extrusion, 7/25/24

"Training was very informative, pictures provided reality of what can really happen to me. "

Wesley Parker, Graphic Packaging, 11/1/2024

"Great responses from the training audiences"

Wimbley Morrison, Lamb Weston, 4/2/2024

"Awesome!! Keeps your attention, has tons of life experiences that help you understand what he is teaching. Very knowledgeable in the industry. Enjoyed the class very much"

Zack Langford, PalletOne Inc., 11/7/24

Course Catalog


Why choose Elite?

At Elite Training of Louisiana, we believe in delivering training that truly transforms. Our courses are crafted by experts who tailor our materials and information to your unique needs, ensuring a practical and impactful learning experience. We go beyond traditional methods, using interactive techniques that engage participants and drive real results. With our proven track record and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to elevate your team’s skills and performance. Choose Elite for training that makes a difference.

Get in touch today

318-383-4899 Contact Us
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Our goal is to help our customers improve their bottom line and boost team member performance through skill and knowledge development. We are eager to travel with you on the journey to developing a capable workforce who achieves and maintains peak performance.

118 Monticello Ave., Suite D, Ruston, LA 71270